You can be sure of this...

I got a message recently from a supporter who needs to stop her monthly donations. It wasn't a surprise for me, and I've been sharing with supporters that I'm moving to full-time business at the start of next year. But it got me thinking of my friends in ministry who raise support, whether it's missionary support or for an organization. You’re on the field, you’re doing the work, and you get a message like this.

If one stops, we fear more will stop. After all, we're facing so much uncertainty.

Whether you are raising funds or giving (you're likely both), I hope you'll find this message from today's Life and Mission Podcast encouraging.

The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord,
Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.
Proverbs 21:1

Things are being moved around, yes. Through seasons of prosperity and seasons of uncertainty, all the resources belong to God. Fundraising is part of discipling and leading and ministering to the people God has given you for this season. Pray together, weep together, celebrate together. We are always called to relationship.

We are fundraisers and donors, but that's not all we are. We are brothers and sisters in Christ. We bear one another’s burdens. We share one another’s joys. We celebrate all that God is doing and look to Him with eager expectation.

We find solid ground to stand on when we remind each other of God’s faithfulness.

Stories help us see how He is moving and working in the world today. Stories bring us closer. Share your stories with boldness and confidence in the Lord, as you trust Him to turn hearts and resources where He wishes.

Kay Helm

I help missionaries and organizations tell powerful and effective stories that inspire action.

Mission Writers

Life and Mission Podcast

Mission Writers is open for new students through August 5th - storytelling for missionaries, ministries, and nonprofits.
More on that in my next email.

Listen to the full podcast episode in your favorite podcast app or online at and share it with someone!

Kay Helm

I help missionaries, leaders, and organizations tell powerful and effective stories that inspire action.

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